April 4, 2022 – April 5, 2022
Monday 4 April Facilitator
12.00-13.30 IO3 Guidelines review & content FJC-Partners
13.30-14.30 Lunch*
15.00-15.30. Communication Update
Jesús Puente & Eduardo Tendero,
Adriana Castro
15. 30- 17.30 Dissemination IO1 and closure of the
IO 3 Guidelines. Eduardo Tendero, Jesús Puente
20.30 Dinner (Optional)
Tuesday 5 April
9.00-10.30. Multiplier event planification FJC-Partners
10.30 Coffee break
11.00-12.30. Web page tasks review Carlos-Partners
13.00-14.00. Lunch
14.00-16.00. Planification end of the project FJC-Partners
16.00 Coffe Break
16.30 - 17.30 Final Considerations All Partners